Saturday, January 14, 2012


No really. I had one. I don't usually have bad dreams. Like, NEVER.
But I had one last night.
I am currently unemployed and, having sent off many resumes, have not received ANY offers of employment or even interview. This is disconcerting to me. (this is real life, btw. I'm sure that somebody can relate...)
There is a place where my girlfriend works that she thought I could get hired on to and it would work out pretty well for me. I decided to go for it.
Now, I've been a little less confident for the past week or so after my rousing response of nothing in return to so many resumes. This idea, since it worked for me on so many levels, actually had me excited. I wouldn't be making quite as much money, but expenses would be less. Yada, yada, yada. It was cool to finally have a direction.
I also, consequently, allowed my other prospects to have a piece of my mind. This happened in my mind, so no external damage done...
The end result? I was pretty set to put most of my eggs in the one basket. Until last night.
Last night over dinner, my girlfriend, who a bit spacey at times, gets a really weird look on her face and says something like "They already have enough people..." Ominous. Then she starts naming off people in a very long process and concluding that the company has plenty of employees while I go to pieces inside.
She leaves after dinner.
I'm terrified.
Finally, at 2am, I fall asleep. This morning, I wake up thinking that the guy in charge of hiring has stopped by and told me that he only has one position to fill and he has a solid candidate to fill it. That person is NOT me.

The image is still in my head. Those words are still in my head. His facial expressions are still in my head.
This is the first nightmare I've had since I was a teenager.
I hope it never happens again.

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