Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dark Shower

I've never figured out why I do it.
But I love it.
I turn off all the lights and close the windows.
I close the bathroom door.
No light.
Only Darkness.
I make my way to the shower. I have the motions memorized.
We never think about that. How many things we can do without our eyes.
There is a lot we can do with our eyes closed.
I find the right temperature. Almost scalding in winter. As warm as is comfy in the summer.
No light.
Only darkness.
My mind drifts. I think of nothing.
Nothing comes to mind.
The only sounds are the water hitting my body and falling to the tiles below me.
I lose my bearings.
There is no up or down. Left or right.
The only reference is the steady stream of water pouring from an undefined spot on the wall.
The only sensation is the water flowing over my body.
The shower is not short. Not long.
I dry off in the darkness.
Stillness replacing the steady drone of the shower-head.
I am refreshed.
Whatever has driven me too this is satisfied for the moment.
I slowly open the door and am reborn into the light. 

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