Saturday, March 31, 2012

Always Trade Up

A friend of mine once told me to "Always trade up."
She had noticed that people sometimes make terrible choices and trade something of great value for something that has much less value or something worth nothing at all.
Whatever you place value on, this is pretty sound advice. Take advantage of your opportunities and watch out for things that may seem good, but are hollow.
I've been trading up for several years and have reached a place in life where I am very happy.
I have a great job.
I have a terrific girl.
I'm in good shape.
I make good decisions.
I'm building friendships.
I'm more aware of others' needs.
I'm keeping my house clean. :-)
I'm making plans to sail. This is something I've wanted for years.
I'm pursuing my photography.
I will own a motorcycle in a couple months. :-) Another thing I've wanted to do for years.
I like who I am.
I like my job.
I like where I'm living.
I like the people I work with.
I love the people who have stood by me for the past few years. You are my family.
I traded up, Cheryl.
I done good, yo. :-))
I'm happy. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

0 to Teacher in 3 classes

It's like riding a bike.
3 classes in and I'm swinging like the best of times.
I love new jobs.
I am not sure if I like that I like new jobs... but I do just the same.
I want to like one for a long time.
I like teaching.
I like interacting with students and teachers alike.
I love the atmosphere that surrounds children.
You never know what is going to happen.
What they are going to do.
What they are going to say.
Likewise, I'm never quite sure what's going to pop out of my own mouth.
This is a source of much pleasure and, frequently enough, trouble.
The totals at the end of the day are in the black.
I love teaching.

Friday, March 9, 2012


I have known for many years that I really should avoid talking about politics. It's not that I don't care. It's not that I am completely uninformed, though completely is the operative word there. I do not claim great knowledge or deep political insight.
It's that my motto for politics is this; "Why can't we all just get along?"
I realize how invalid this is based on the reality of centuries of cycling history, yet I still blindly wish that we could somehow quit hating each other and reach a point of mutual acceptance.
I know it's absurd.
It may make you laugh.
The naivety of the idea might make you cry.
I don't want to hate you.
I don't want you to hate me.

Each of us have something that captivates our energy and our thoughts. I've tried to understand this. My failing to understand political disagreements, hatred and war originates in my personal life. Most of my energies have been focused on connection and acceptance. There is little room for either of these on a personal level in the realm of political discussion.

I will try not to be too hard on your politics.
I will try to understand that our divergent, though sometimes trivial, desires will continue to lead us against each other in the global arena.

I know that this is naive.
I know that tomorrow some of you will kill others of you.
I hope you will think about this before you pull the trigger.
The man in your sights is you.

I hope we can meet one day.
That we can shake hands and share a meal.
And be better off for having done so.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Japan, a brief impression

I've seen some of the crazy stuff that has come out of Japan, and I've been more than a little curious as to the source. I spent 33 hours in Fukuoka this week. This is what I discovered.
Sushi is defined as anything raw from the sea.
The subway is very expensive.
The Japanese are quite reserved in public.
They have a good sense of style.
There are bikes everywhere.
Bike seats are set at the lowest possible position. (??)
Public restrooms exists.
The Japanese love trees and the take VERY good care of them.
They can drink quite quickly.
Seem very willing to experiment with life.
The streets are filled with squarer, more European style cars.
There are older cars on the road.
 I encountered many who were very willing to attempt communication in spite of a complete lack of common language.
They have AWESOME toilets!!! The feed line to fill the tank is run through a small sink at the top so that you can wash your hands using the water for the next flush. Very cool!!
I'll be back!!